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66 exams available

Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) PPAER

To obtain an aeroplane private pilot licence

Up to 3 hours long
licence PPL Aeroplane

Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) - Partial PPAERP

Partial exam to rewrite the General (PAGEN), Law (PALAW), Navigation (PANAV) and/or Meteorology (PAMET) sections of the Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) exam.

Up to 3 hours long
licence PPL Aeroplane

Instrument rating (Aeroplane or Helicopter) INRAT

To obtain an instrument rating for either an aeroplane or helicopter

Up to 3 hours long
instrumentRating CPL Aeroplane

Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) CPAER

Operate single pilot, non-high-performance aeroplanes under visual meteorological conditions for hire or reward while employed by the holder of an Air Operator Certificate

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence CPL Aeroplane

Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) - Partial CPAERP

Partial exam to rewrite the General (CAGEN), Law (CALAW), Navigation (CANAV) and/or Meteorology (CAMET) sections of the Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) exam.

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence CPL Aeroplane

Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Meteorology, radio aids to navigation and flight planning (Aeroplane) SAMRA

Meteorology, radio aids to navigation and flight planning

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence ATPL Aeroplane

Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Air law, aeroplane operation and general navigation (Aeroplane) SARON

Air law, aeroplane operation and general navigation

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence ATPL Aeroplane

Type rating - Two Crew or Cruise Relief Pilot (Aeroplane) IATRA

Aeroplane flight operations, including performance, charts and graphs, critical surface contamination and wake turbulence

Up to 2 hours long
typeRating CPL Aeroplane

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - M1/M2/E/S rating - Regulatory exam REGS

All regulatory requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer M1/M2/E/S ratings only

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Instructor rating - Class 4 (Aeroplane) AIRAF

Instructional techniques for class 4 aeroplanes

Up to 3 hours long
instructorRating CPL Aeroplane

Flight Dispatcher Licence - Operations FDOPS

Operations for flight dispatchers, including atmostpheric effects in flight, performance, charts and graphs, critical surface contamination, wake turbulence, flight manuals, volcanic ash, and airmanship/rules of thumb.

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence FDL

Flight Dispatcher Licence - Meteorology FDMET

Meteorology for flight dispatchers, including atmosphere, atmostpheric pressure, altimetry, temperature, moisture, stability/instability, clouds, turbulence, wind, jet streams, air masses, fronts, frontal weather, aircraft icing, thunderstorms, surface based layers, meteorological services, aviation weather reports and forecasts, and weather maps/prognostic charts

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence FDL

Commercial Pilot Licence (Helicopter) CPHEL

Operate helicopters under visual meteorological conditions for hire or reward while employed by the holder of an Air Operator Certificate

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence CPL Helicopter

Commercial Pilot Licence (Helicopter) - Partial CPHELP

Partial exam to rewrite the General (CHGEN), Law (CHLAW), Navigation (CHNAV) and/or Meteorology (CHMET) sections of the Commercial Pilot Licence (Helicopter) exam.

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence CPL Helicopter

Instructor rating - Class 1 (Aeroplane) AIRAT

Instructional techniques for class 1 aeroplanes

Up to 3 hours long
instructorRating CPL Aeroplane

Instructor rating - Class 2 (Aeroplane) AIRAT

Instructional techniques for class 2 aeroplanes

Up to 3 hours long
instructorRating CPL Aeroplane

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - M1/M2 rating - Power Plant Technical Exam PP

Includes reciprocating engines, engine fuel and control, engine ignition and starting systems, engine lubrication and cooling systems, engine fire protection systems, turbine engines, turbine engine induction and exhaust systems, power plant recording and indicating systems, water injection, and propellers and systems

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - M1/M2 rating - Standard Practices Technical Exam SPM

Includes standard practices, aerodynamics, mathermatics/physics, aircraft hardware, aircraft drawing, weight and balance, metallurgy and corrosion prevention, non-destructive testing, general handling and servicing, tools and measuring devices, sheet metal, tubular, wood and composite structures, maintenance procedures

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - M1/M2 rating - Airframe Technical Exam AF

Includes basic aerodynamics, aircraft structures, fixed wing controls and rigging, fundamentals of rotary-wing aircraft, rotary wing controls and rigging, metal structural, wood and composite structure, fabric covering, welding and tubular structure, painting and finishing, ice and rain protection, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, landing gear systems

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Glider Pilot Licence GLIDE

For glider pilots only

Up to 2 hours long
licence GL Glider

Instrument rating - US FAA Conversion (Aeroplane) FAAIA

For conversion of a United States FAA aeroplane instrument rating to a Canadian aeroplane instrument rating

Up to 1 hour long
instrumentRating CPL Aeroplane

Ultra-light aeroplane or powered parachute licence ULTRA

For ultra-light aeroplane pilots or anyone using powered parachutes

Up to 3 hours long
licence PU Ultra-light aeroplane

Private Pilot Licence (Helicopter) PPHEL

To obtain a helicopter private pilot licence

Up to 3 hours long
licence PPL Helicopter

Private Pilot Licence (Helicopter) - Partial PPHELP

---Partial exam to rewrite the General (PHGEN), Law (PHLAW), Navigation (PHNAV) and/or Meteorology (PHMET) sections of the Private Pilot Licence (Helicopter) exam.

Up to 3 hours long
licence PPL Helicopter

Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Air law, helicopter operation and general navigation (Helicopter) HARON

Air law, helicopter operation and general navigation

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence ATPL Helicopter

Private Pilot Licence - Department of Defense - Conversion (Aeroplane) PSTAR

For conversion of a Department of Defence aeroplane pilot wings standard to a Canadian Private Pilot Licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
foreign PPL Aeroplane

Private Pilot Licence - Department of Defense - Conversion (Helicopter) PSTAR

For conversion of a Department of Defence helicopter pilot wings standard to a Canadian Private Pilot Licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
foreign PPL Helicopter

Private Pilot Licence - Foreign conversion (does not include U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA)) PSTAR

For conversion of a foreign pilot licence to a Canadian private pilot licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
foreign PPL

Student Pilot Permit (Aeroplane, Balloon, Gyroplane, Helicopter) PSTAR

To obtain a student pilot permit or a Private Pilot Licence for foreign or Canadian military applicants

Up to 1.5 hours long
permit SPP

Gyroplane Pilot Licence - Foreign conversion PSTAR

For conversion of a foreign gyroplane licence to a Canadian Gyroplane Pilot Licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
foreign GPL Gyroplane

Recreational Pilot Permit - Foreign conversion PSTAR

For conversion of a foreign pilot licence to a Canadian Recreational Pilot Permit

Up to 1.5 hours long
foreign RPP Aeroplane

Glider Pilot Licence - Foreign conversion PSTAR

For foreign glider pilots to gain Canadian equivalency

Up to 1.5 hours long
licence GL Glider

Recreational Pilot Permit (Aeroplane) RPPAE

Operate single pilot, non-high-performance aeroplanes under visual meteorological conditions with no more than one passenger carried on board

Up to 3 hours long
permit RPP Aeroplane

Recreational Pilot Permit (Aeroplane) - Partial RPPAEP

Partial exam to rewrite the General (RAGEN), Law (RALAW), Navigation (RANAV) and/or Meteorology (RAMET) sections of the Recreational Pilot Permit (Aeroplane) exam.

Up to 3 hours long
permit RPP Aeroplane

Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Meteorology, radio aids to navigation and flight planning (Helicopter) HAMRA

Meteorology, radio aids to navigation and flight planning

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence ATPL Helicopter

Hang glider or flight in Class E airspace HAGAR

For hang glider pilots only

Up to 2.5 hours long
licence HGL Hang-glider

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - E rating - Avionics Technical Exam AV

Includes navigation and communication systems, autoflight systems, electrical systems, recording and emergency systems, and instrument systems

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - E rating - Standard Practices Technical Exam SPE

Includes navigation and communication systems, autoflight systems, electrical systems, recording and emergency systems, and instrument systems

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Instructor rating - Class 4 - Instrument instruction (Helicopter) FIREN

Instrument instruction techniques for class 4 helicopters

Up to 2 hours long
instructorRating CPL Helicopter

Instructor rating - Class 4 - Flight instruction (Helicopter) HIRAF

Flight instructions techniques for class 4 helicopters

Up to 3 hours long
instructorRating CPL Helicopter

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - S rating - Structures Technical Exam ST

Includes sheet metal, tubular, wood and fabric, composite, metallurgy and corrosion prevention, non-destructive testing, fluid lines and conduits, thermoplastics

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Instructor rating - Class 1 (Helicopter) HIRAT

Instructional techniques for class 1 helicopters

Up to 3 hours long
instructorRating CPL Helicopter

Instructor rating - Class 2 (Helicopter) HIRAT

Instructional techniques for class 2 helicopters

Up to 3 hours long
instructorRating CPL Helicopter

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - S rating - Standard Practices Technical Exam SPS

Includes standard practices, aerodynamics, mathermatics/physics, aircraft hardware, aircraft drawing, weight and balance, metallurgy and corrosion prevention, non-destructive testing, general handling and servicing, tools and measuring devices, sheet metal, tubular, wood and composite structures, maintenance procedures

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Instructor rating - Balloon FITEN

Instructional techniques for balloons

Up to 1 hour long
instructorRating CPL

Instructor rating - Ultra-light aeroplane FITEN

Instructional techniques for ultra-light aeroplanes

Up to 1 hour long
instructorRating CPL Aeroplane

Instructor rating - Class 1 - Aerobatics FITEN

Instructional techniques for aerobatics training

Up to 1 hour long
instructorRating CPL

Type rating - Two Crew (Helicopter) HATRA

Helicopter flight operations, including performance, charts and graphs, critical surface contamination and wake turbulence

Up to 3.5 hours long
typeRating CPL Helicopter

Balloon Pilot Licence PIBAL

To obtain a Pilot Balloon Licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
licence BB Balloon

Gyroplane Pilot Licence GYROP

To obtain a Gyroplane Pilot Licence

Up to 2 hours long
licence GPL Gyroplane

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - Balloon rating - Regulatory exam BREGS

All regulatory requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Balloon rating only

Up to 3 hours long
licence AME

Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane to helicopter conversion CHRAC

For conversion of an aeroplane Commercial Pilot Licence to a helicopter Commercial Pilot Licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
licence CPL Aeroplane

Commercial Pilot Licence - Department of Defense - Conversion (Aeroplane) ARPCO

For conversion of a Department of Defence aeroplane pilot wings standard to a Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence

Up to 1 hour long
licence CPL Aeroplane

Commercial Pilot Licence - Department of Defense - Conversion (Helicopter) HARPC

For conversion of a Department of Defence helicopter pilot wings standard to a Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence

Up to 1 hour long
licence CPL Helicopter

Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter to aeroplane conversion CARAC

For conversion of a helicopter Commercial Pilot Licence to an aeroplane Commercial Pilot Licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
licence CPL Aeroplane

Flight Engineer Licence (Aeroplane) FLENG

To become a qualified flight engineer

Up to 3.5 hours long
licence FE Aeroplane

Instructor rating - Gyroplane GYRIP

Instructional techniques for gyroplanes

Up to 1 hour long
instructorRating CPL

Instrument rating - US FAA Conversion (Helicopter) FAAIH

For conversion of a United States FAA helicopter instrument rating to a Canadian helicopter instrument rating

Up to 1 hour long
instrumentRating CPL Helicopter

Private Pilot Licence - Aeroplane to helicopter conversion PHRAC

For conversion of an aeroplane private pilot licence to a helicopter private pilot licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
instructorRating PPL Aeroplane

Private Pilot Licence - U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conversion (Helicopter) FAAPH

For conversion of a United States FAA helicopter private pilot's certificate to a Canadian Private Pilot Licence

Up to 1 hour long
foreign PPL Helicopter

Airline Transport Pilot Licence - U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conversion (Aeroplane) FAAAA

Conversion of an aeroplane United States FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate

Up to 1.5 hours long
licence ATPL Aeroplane

Airline Transport Pilot Licence - U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conversion (Helicopter) FAAAH

Conversion of a helicopter United States FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate

Up to 1.5 hours long
licence ATPL Helicopter

Commercial Pilot Licence - U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conversion (Aeroplane) FAACA

For conversion of a United States FAA aeroplane commercial pilot's certificate to a Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence

Up to 1 hour long
licence CPL Aeroplane

Commercial Pilot Licence - U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conversion (Helicopter) FAACH

For conversion of a United States FAA helicopter commercial pilot's certificate to a Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence

Up to 1 hour long
licence CPL Helicopter

Private Pilot Licence - Helicopter to aeroplane conversion PARAC

For conversion of a helicopter private pilot licence to an aeroplane private pilot licence

Up to 1.5 hours long
foreign PPL Aeroplane

Private Pilot Licence - U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conversion (Aeroplane) FAAPA

For conversion of a United States FAA aeroplane private pilot's certificate to a Canadian Private Pilot Licence

Up to 1 hour long
foreign PPL Aeroplane

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Date modified:
2024-07-11 (V2.0.0.50)